quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2020


The Aztec Empire. The coming of the Spanish.
Hello lads! This is the video we started to watch with Jullian, if you remember. We didn't watch the end, the arrival of Hernan Cortés.  

You don't need to understand everything from the video. Images can help you for the next questions...

1. Mention three characteristics of the Aztec culture.
2. Explain three causes that explain why Spanish were able to conquer the empire when they were just a few hundreds.
3. Which one do you think that could be the most important reason that explains the conquest?
4. Go to your book/papers and explain why the Spanish were so eager to conquer America. 

El reagetón del descubrimiento de América.  
Última pregunta: ¿qué crítica lanza este vídeo a Cristobal Colón?


Materiales from Angel Alvarez

Este powerpoint sirve de ayuda para las actividades de los de no bilingüe de este miércoles. ¡Perdonad mi retraso! 

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