Good morning, lads...
This is the activity we have for today and next monday. We are going to learn how to write formal letters... but do we know how to write formal letters in Spanish? At least, read these suggestions that are common for both languages.
a) Don't use coloquial language (warning, dear Wild Anna). Don't use contractions. Be very polite.
b) Be extremely clear. Each paragraph must content an idea.
c) Mention who you are and who is the person you are writing to.
d) Introductions and endings are formal. You can't write whatever you want.
In the pictureat the top you can find important tips for this task. Be aware that if you want to take a Cambridge Exam, this exercise is compulsory in some of the levels.
This link might be very useful for you, if you want to follow more
instructions (and it is in Spanish):
In order to start this task, I suggest to begin with your workbook and do the exercise 3 on page 57. I am sorry: the picture is not good (my mobile camera is useless, I apologize Mr. Lena) and the banana is my breakfast (some habits don't disappear even in the Coronavirus crisis). You have to fill the letters with the suggestions that appear on the left side.
Next, after you have completed the exercise, you are ready to try the task that appears in the other book. Exercise 1 is good for your training, but be focused on the writing guide.
"Your local council is going to close a skateboard park near your town. They are going to sell the lad to a company that wants to build a motorway (autopista). You are in an organisation which wants to stop this".
You have to include in your letter:
- The name of your organisation.
- Why are you concerned?
(por qué te concierne o preocupa el asunto)
- What problems might a motorway cause?
(qué problemas puede suscitar una autopista)
- Why is a skateboard park better?
(por qué es mejor una pista de skate)
- How are you going to protest?
- What would you like the recipient to do?
(qué querrías que el que recibe la carta hiciese)

I understand that this activity might take more than an hour, and you must be tired after this exhausting week. Therefore, this task includes also the monday's lesson, and you can send your letter next week (maybe at the end of it, on friday).
In the pictureat the top you can find important tips for this task. Be aware that if you want to take a Cambridge Exam, this exercise is compulsory in some of the levels.
This link might be very useful for you, if you want to follow more
instructions (and it is in Spanish):
Next, after you have completed the exercise, you are ready to try the task that appears in the other book. Exercise 1 is good for your training, but be focused on the writing guide.
"Your local council is going to close a skateboard park near your town. They are going to sell the lad to a company that wants to build a motorway (autopista). You are in an organisation which wants to stop this".
You have to include in your letter:
- The name of your organisation.
- Why are you concerned?
(por qué te concierne o preocupa el asunto)
- What problems might a motorway cause?
(qué problemas puede suscitar una autopista)
- Why is a skateboard park better?
(por qué es mejor una pista de skate)
- How are you going to protest?
- What would you like the recipient to do?
(qué querrías que el que recibe la carta hiciese)

I understand that this activity might take more than an hour, and you must be tired after this exhausting week. Therefore, this task includes also the monday's lesson, and you can send your letter next week (maybe at the end of it, on friday).
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