quarta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2020




Historical context:

The Romanesque style was developed in the High Middle Ages, a period with a specific social, economic and political system. Firstly, the society was divided into three estates, which are social closed groups with no legal equality. Secondly, the kings were weak and the feudal lords have absolute power in their fiefs. Finally, the economy was basically rural and self-sufficient. During the Middle Ages, religion played a very important role in the lives of everyone and important religious orders were created.



Parts of the church that we can recognize (including floor plant): It has a Latin cross-shaped floor plant, with at least a central nave and two side aisles. The nave is separated from the side aisles by a row of columns supporting Roman arches. There is a semicircular apse at the eastern end of the church with several little apses, so probably it has a deambulatory for the pilgrims. We can also see the transept, which is the shorter arm of the cross shape. Opposite it, at the other end of the building, there was a façade with a large portal.


Appearance (decorated, austere, high, thick and low...)

The church has thick and solid walls with small windows, so it´s pretty dark. It is not especially high compared to other constructions and has austere decoration. 



Elements from the style we recognize outside:

We can recognize some Romanesque elements such as Roman arches, apses, little apses, transept, transept crossing, canecillos, columns and capitels, buttresses.


Elements from the style we recognize inside: We can see Roman arches, the most characteristic element of the Romanesque style. We also recognize the barrel vault which is a vault forming a half-cylinder and supported by columns and transverse arches.  There is a triforium, which is an interior gallery opening onto the nave. The capitals are highly decorated with sculptures, probably representing religious subjects. 


Decorative elements: As we said before, Romanesque style has austere decoration, but we should mention the decorative capitals and the impost with geometric patterns. 


Purpose of the building and patron: The main purpose is obviously religious. This was reflected in the shape of the church and the symbolic aspects of the building (the orientation towards the East, the long arm of the cross as the way of life, the most illuminated part of the church is the place where the tabernacle is located, the thickness of the walls conveying the solidity of the faith in God,…). The church also represents the triumph of the Christianity and the power of the Church and the economic power as it used expensive materials and many specialists.  The patron is the Church or a religious order.


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