1. Introduction: the golden Age.
2. Charles I of Spain.
Spain: the rebellion of the
The external policies: Europe.
The American conquest.
The culture: the Renaissance.
3. Felipe II.
Spain. The religious problem.
Europe: rise and fall of the Spanish power. Last years.
1. The Golden Age
The XVI and XVII centuries belongs to
the period in the Modern Age where Spain
was ruled by the “Austrias”
or Habsburgo royal family. Generally speaking this is called “el Siglo de Oro” for very different
reasons, mainly political and cultural. Historians however make a division in
two periods:
a. The XVI century,
the “Austrias
mayores” period, that belongs to the reigns of Charles I and Felipe II. It is a
stage of political and military expansion in Europe, coincident with the rise
of the Spanish empire in America,
and Spain
reached his highest peak of power over the whole continent. It is the
Renaissance and the Counter Reform period, and the starting of the “Golden Age”
(el Siglo de Oro) in cultural and
literature terms.
b. The XVII century,
or the “Austrias
menores” period (Felipe III, Felipe IV and Carlos II). It is a time of
economical crisis, and the fall of the Spanish hegemony in Europe
after many wars. Spain
starts to be very isolated from Europe in
cultural and scientific terms, but literature and arts still will flourish, so
the Siglo de Oro continues during the
most part of the century. We could use
this outline to understand this period as a whole and make a comparison between
both centuries:
XVI century
XVII century
Austrias menores
Defeats in Europe.
Fall of our influence
Economy and
Expansion at the beginning
Crisis and stagnation
started at the end of the period.
Demographical and social
crisis, diseases.
Bankruptcy, stagnation.
Renaissance, Humanism and
After 1550, counter
Beginning of Golden Age in
Baroque style.
Scientific isolation from Europe.
Maximum peak of the Golden Age in cultural terms.
Charles I
of Spain and V of Germany (1519-1556)
Charles I was the grandson of
the Catholic Monarchs, and the son of Juana la Loca. Because of a mental
disease, Juana was uncapable to reign, so the kingdom passed to his son. But
Charles was not only the king of Spain. His
father, Felipe el Hermoso, was the king of Austria
and Flandes (Belgium).
So in a few years he became not only the king of Spain (1519), but the Emperor of Germany,
after his election in 1521.
His reign was a mixture of problems
and conflicts inherited as well as his huge domains: Spain,
Flandes, Italy,
and the American Empire. Such vast territories were difficult to rule, and most
of the times he was overwhelmed by the conflicts. His main goal during all his
life was only one: the preservation of the Catholic faith in Europe,
and his role being an emperor, as defender of the church.
The rebellion of the Comunidades.
Charles I was not welcomed in Spain: he was
seen as a foreigner. He was born in Gante (Holland)
and had never been to Spain
before his proclamation as king. When he left Spain
in 1520 to be crowned as emperor in Germany, the cities of Castilla
openly rebelled against his rule, in the name of freedom and independence. They
were called comuneros, and demanded
a new Spanish king and lower taxes. They were mainly supported by the bourgeoisie
and the low nobility. However, the army and most of the nobles remained loyal
to the King Charles, and the comuneros were easily defeated at Villalar in
1521. After the uprising, Charles I was aware that he had to stay in Spain for a
long time, to regain the support of the country. In a few years, Castilla and
Aragon accepted the authority of his new king, and all opposition ended.
b) The
external policies: Europe.
After he recovered all his authority in Spain, Charles I was ready to start his European
policy, with three main objectives: the fight against France and the
war against the Muslims first and the Protestants later.
Ø France. France
was the traditional enemy of Aragon
in the struggle for Italy.
After the great victory of Pavía
against the French (1525), Charles I had all Italy under his control. However
there were more indecisive wars during all his reign and peace was never signed
Ø Muslims.
After the Reconquista, Spain
kept a permanent war against the Muslims in order to prevent any attacks. There
were important sieges and battles in Tunez
and Argel to destroy the pirates that still were attacking the Mediterranean
coast. The Turks, on the other hand, were attacking in East Europe, and Charles
I made great efforts to expel them from Austria (1529).
Ø Protestants.
With the Reformation supported by Lutero, another battlefront was opened in Germany. After
the imperial diets of Spira and Worms,
Charles I condemned Lutero, but most part of the German princes
and nobles were Lutherans. After some years, there was a civil war and the Protestants
were defeated at Mühlberg. However,
Charles I was compelled to tolerate some kind of religious
freedom in Germany,
at least for the princes (Ausburg
declaration, 1548).
In a nutshell, we could say that Charles I won most of the battles, but he lost all the wars. His
goals were overwhelming for only one person, even the most powerful king of
Europe since the Roman Empire. In fact, these
wars were so expensive that even with all the money from America, the
taxes from their domains, and the loans from bankers like the Fugger, he
condemned the royal treasure to bankruptcy
(quiebra) after his death.
The Rise of the American Empire (1519-1550)
In America,
the first years of discovery were now followed by the conquest of vast
territories. Migration to America
from Castille started very early under the promise of new lands and wealth. In
1519 Hernan Cortés began the
conquest of the Aztecan Empire in México. A few years later, in 1535, Francisco
Pizarro finished the conquest of the
Incan Empire in Peru.
During all this period, continuous expeditions helped to discover the entire
American continent and created an Empire from California
to Chile.
After 1540, the American Empire started to have a strong economical impact in
Spain with the affluence of silver and the rise of trade between both
![]() |
Bartolomé de las Casas is
regarded as one the first defenders of human rights in all history.
2. The reign
of Felipe II (1556-1598)
Under Felipe II, son of
Charles I and Isabel de Portugal, Spain reached its peak of political
power, and also the first signs of weakness and decadence. Unlike Charles I, he
was a king concerned only with the Spanish kingdom and his empire. His rule was
more authoritarian and like his
father, extremely worried with the preservation
of Catholicism in all his kingdom.
Ø The Spanish
The defense of Catholicism
lead to more intransigence against all kind of heretics, converses (old jews
converted to Catholicism). The Inquisition
won power and started a broad censorship against books and ideas coming from
Europe. As a result of this intransigence, there was a revolt of the moriscos from Alpujarras (Muslims who lived in Granada mountains) and
after their defeat, they were forced to leave the region and reject their
Muslim culture.
During his reign, all the
Iberian Peninsula was united: Portugal
became part of the Spanish kingdom after 1580, when his king died in battle
without descendants, and Felipe II took advantage of the situation, claiming
the crown (he was the son of a Portuguese princess, Isabel de Portugal). After
some resistance, the Portuguese nobility accepted Felipe II as his king.
b) Europe policies.
Felipe II applied the same
politics in Europe as in Spain.
He became a defender of Catholicism against the two main enemies of this faith:
the heretics (Protestants), and the Muslims. This lead to some wars that ended
in huge costs for the Monarchy, more taxes (specially in Castilla) and finally
the bankruptcy. We could say that until 1580, the power of Felipe II in Europe was absolute:
France: the French were defeated in San Quintin
(1557), and a peace treaty was signed that would last till the end of the
Turkish Empire. Felipe II formed an alliance with Geneva, Venetia and the Pope to create a war fleet to
defeat the Turks in the Mediterranean. In Lepanto (1570) the Turks suffered a
severe defeat and they were not any longer a threat on the Mediterranean coasts.
The Portuguese Empire: after 1580, the Portuguese trade
and possessions in Asia became part of the
Spanish Empire, as a consequence of the union between both countries.
However, after 1580, two unsolved conflicts will erode
the power of Spain.
Holland rebellion. After tax rises and social unrest,
motivated by religious conflicts, an open rebellion broke out in Holland in 1579. Successive viceroys (regents of the country
in the name of the king) failed in the attempt to calm down the country. The Duke of Alba started a hard repression
that led to an expensive and cruel war.
Conflicts with England. Felipe II wanted to restore
Catholicism in England
and to stop the attacks against the Atlantic trade committed by pirates who
where under protection of the English Queen Elizabeth. In 1588, Felipe II sent
a powerful fleet and army to invade England, la “armada Invencible”, that was destroyed by storms and the efficient
English navy. After that date, the control of Spain over the Atlantic trade began
to decline.
c) Last years of Felipe II
At the end of the reign, as a result of these
expensive wars, the royal treasure bankrupted again and wasn´t able to pay all
its debts. Even worse, the Spanish hegemony started to be questioned again by
the new emerging powers (Holland, England and France). The economy and demography
started a slow decadence that would
worsen in the next century. The inflation,
the rising taxes and forced conscription started to impoverish the society as a
whole. In contrast with the stagnation of the old castillian towns, Sevilla and Madrid
became the most important cities of the whole country as the American trade
centre (Sevilla) and as the capital of
the kingdom (Madrid).

The 17th
century: Crisis and decadence.
1. The 17th century in Europe.
The 17th century is a difficult age in Europe: wars,
diseases, fall of population and agriculture spread through almost all the
continent. However, the crisis will deeper in some countries, emporishing them,
and it will a moment of economic and social change in others, like Holland,
England and France. In a nutshell, the
17th century is the period characterized by:
a) Politics: ABSOLUTE MONARCHY (monarchs have all the power,
like France),
b) Economy: THE RISE OF CAPITALISM, and the destruction of
the last remains of feudalism and Middle Age.
But these changes won't have the same strenght in Spain, and
Spain will be isolated from most of these social, cultural and economical changes.
2. The crisis in Spain.
In the last years of Felipe II, Spain
and Castilla are suffering economic stagnation and decadence. This will worsen
in the 17th century by different reasons:
- There is a fall in agriculture, and consequently, there is a fall in the
population and trade. People had less food and suffered more diseases and
- There is a fall in the American trade: the silver mines are exhausted, and
trade is increasingly in the hands of Dutch and English merchants.
- Political problems: bankruptcy happened too often in this
period, because of wars expences. As a result, the government has no money to
pay the debts, and has to increase taxes to peasants and towns, creates
inflation (prices rise) and social unrest.
- Social biases (prejuicios): Spanish society didn't see well hand
working. Therefore, rich people (nobility and church) never invested in industry
or trading. We started to get used to pay to other countries for our
This crisis won't be the same
everywhere. It will be more severe in the old towns of Castilla. Cataluña,
Basque country or Galicia will recover earlier after 1660.
3. The kings: the Austrias menores.
This period is ruled by weak kings
from the Habsburg family: Felipe III, Felipe IV and Carlos II. They are called
Austrias menores because of their weakness and their lack of efforts or
inspiration to solve the problems of the country.
Felipe III (1598-1621).
Lazy king, he has no concerns on government, so he gives all his power to the
validos or Prime ministers like Uceda or Lerma, who are corrupted and inept. In
1609 Muslims are expelled from all Spain, creating a bad crisis for agriculture
and silk in Aragon. The foreign policy
is based on peace and truces with Holland and France.
Felipe IV (1621-1665). He is more
concerned with government, but wants to recover the hegemony and prestige in
Europe. Therefore, Spain started wars against France and the protestants. This
meant more taxes and bankruptcy. His prime minister, the Conde Duque de
Olivares, tried to created new taxes in Aragon, Cataluña and Portugal (Unión de
Armas), and the consequence was a general uprising and rebellions in 1640.
Portugal regain its independence and Cataluña had its first nationalist
uprising against the Spanish monarchy. On the other hand, European wars ended
with a total defeat of the Spanish armies after Rocroi. The Westfalia and
Pirineos peace (1648-1659) meant the end of the hegemony in Europe.
II (1665-1700): He was called "cursed" or "el
hechizado", because he seemed quite stupid. Being king at the age of two
years old, he was unable to do anything politically relevant and died in a few
years. After that, an European war started (guerra de sucesión española, and
Austria and France fought to gain the Spanish throne. This ended with the Treaty of Utretch and the
Borbones will reign in Spain the next centuries.
4. Culture: The Golden Age.
The 16th and 17th is a very
remarkable period in the Spanish culture and arts. However, not all that
glitters is gold, and there are dark shadows in some aspects:
Arts and literature. These two centuries (specially 1550-1680) had remarkable writers (Cervantes, Calderón or Quevedo),
outstanding painters (Greco and
Velazquez). Renaissance and Baroque will be the two styles that dominated in
our country, with works such El Escorial
(herreriano style, last step of the Renaissance, with no decoration) or La Clerecía and the main square in
Salamanca (Baroque art, very decorated). Arts will be deeply religious, especially
in architecture or sculpture.
Religion. After the council of Trento (1560), Spain became increasingly
intolerant to religion matters. Persecution and censorship are widespread and
the inquisition regains new powers. Catholicism is the main characteristic of
the society and politics and the church will obtain solid economical privileges.
People like Santa Teresa de Jesús and San Juan de la Cruz or fray Luis de Leon,
(místicos) will have problems with the Inquisition because of his deep way to
understand religion.
Sciences and philosophy. As a consequence of this religious intolerance,
there is a persecution against all the new ideas coming from fields such as sciences
and philosophy. If Charles V period was opened to European ideas, like the humanism,
Felipe II declared in 1559 the cultural isolation from Europe: from that
moment, students were not allowed to visit European universities and foreign
books were forbidden. This had terrible consequences in our history: sciences,
technology and innovation were aspects that Spanish society was no longer
concerned, and Europeans started to see us as ignorant, fanatical, and
1. El siglo XVII en Europa.
El siglo XVII es una época difícil
en Europa: guerras, enfermedades, caída de la población y de la producción
agrícola se extiende por todo el continente. Sin embargo, la crisis será más
profunda en unas zonas, empobreciéndolas, y en otras provocarán cambios
económicos y sociales, como Inglaterra, Francia u Holanda. De forma breve, es
un periodo caracterizado por:
- Política: monarquía
absoluta, los monarcas tienen todo el poder, como en Francia.
- Economía: el alza del
capitalismo, y la destrucción de los últimos residuos del feudalismo medieval.
- Cultura: Europa vive la
revolución científica y el barroco. La ciencia comienza a imponerse frente a la
tradición religiosa, con figuras como Newton, Galileo o Kepler.
Pero estos cambios no tendrán un
efecto igual en España, y nuestro país quedará aislado de buena parte de estos
cambios socioeconómicos y culturales.
2. Economía y sociedad: La crisis en España.
En los últimos años de Felipe II, España y Castilla están
sufriendo estancamiento y decadencia económica. Esto empeorará en el siglo XVII
por diferentes razones:
- Hay una caída en la producción agrícola, y consecuentemente
una caída en el comercio y la población. La gente sufre hambrunas, y padece más
enfermedades y plagas. Las guerras traerán más problemas con alistamientos
obligatorios para el ejército.
- Problemas políticos: la bancarrota se hará común por gastos
de guerra y falta de ingresos. Como resultado, el gobierno no tiene dinero para
pagar las deudas, y tendrá que incrementar los impuestos, produciendo mayor
malestar social, inflación e inestabilidad.
- Prejuicios sociales: La sociedad española ve con malos ojos
el trabajo manual. Por lo tanto, los ricos (la nobleza y la iglesia) nunca
invertirán en el comercio o la industria. Nos acostumbramos a pagar con
materias primas los bienes manufacturados. La burguesía desaparecerá: dedicarse
al comercio es muy arriesgado, y los burgueses preferirán comprar un título
nobiliario y dejar de trabajar en otras ocupaciones.
Por otro lado, la crisis no será igual en todas partes: en
unas zonas será más profunda (Castilla), y en otras, la recuperación será más
rápida (Cataluña, País Vasco, Galicia…).
3. La política: Los Austrias Menores.
Este periodo es gobernado por reyes débiles
pertenecientes a la dinastía de los Habsburgo: Felipe III, Felipe IV y Carlos
II. Son llamados Austrias menores debido a su debilidad y su falta de
inspiración para resolver los problemas del país.
Felipe III (1598-1621): fue un rey bastante perezoso
desinteresado en los asuntos de gobierno, y por ello dio todo su poder a los
"validos" o primeros ministros, como Uceda o Lerma, nobles corruptos
y poco aptos para el gobierno. En 1609 los musulmanes son expulsados de España
por miedo a una invasión desde el norte de África, con consecuencias pésimas
para la agricultura y la seda de la corona de Aragón. La política exterior
estuvo basada en treguas con Holanda y Francia.
Felipe IV (1621-1665): Estuvo más preocupado por los asuntos de
gobierno, y deseaba sobre todo restablecer el poder español sobre Europa. Por
ello, España se embarcó en guerras contra los protestantes y Francia. Esto
implicó subidas de impuestos para pagar los gastos bélicos y finalmente la
bancarrota. Su primer ministro, el conde duque de Olivares intentó imponer
nuevos impuestos a Aragón, Cataluña y Portugal (la Unión de Armas), y la
consecuencia fue una rebelión colectiva en 1640. Portugal recobró su independencia
y Cataluña vivió su primer levantamiento contra la monarquía hispana (germen
del actual nacionalismo).Por otro lado, las guerras europeas terminaron en un
desastre para el ejército español, tras la derrota de Rocroi (1642). La paz de
Westfalia y los Pirineos significó el fin de su hegemonía en Europa.
Carlos II (1665-1700): Fue llamado "el hechizado",
debido a su debilidad congénita. Hecho rey a la edad de dos años, fue incapaz
de tomar cualquier decisión políticamente relevante, y murió en relativamente
poco tiempo. Tras su muerte, los países europeos volvieron a la guerra para
hacerse con el control del trono español (Guerra de sucesión española). Esto
acabó con lo que se conoció como la paz de Utretch (1713) y el establecimiento
de los Borbones como reyes de España, hasta el día de hoy.
4. La cultura: El siglo de oro.
El siglo XVI y XVII constituyen un importantísimo
periodo en la historia cultural de España, en relación con el arte y la
literatura. Sin embargo, no todos los campos de la cultura brillan igual, y hay
sombras que perdurarán en nuestra historia.
Arte y literatura: Estos dos siglos (especialmente entre
1550 y 1680) tienen importantes escritores (Cervantes, Calderón o Quevedo, por
poner solo algunos ejemplos), magníficos pintores de talla mundial (como el
Greco o Velazquez). El Renacimiento y el barroco serán los dos estilos que
dominen en nuestro país, con obras como el Escorial (hecho en estilo
herreriano, al final del Renacimiento, con un estilo muy sobrio) o los
edificios de La Clerecía y la plaza mayor de Salamanca, en estilo barroco, muy
decorado. El arte será profundamente religioso, especialmente en el campo de la
Religión: Después del Concilio de Trento (1560),
España se vuelve todavía más intransigente e intolerante en asuntos religiosos.
Las persecuciones y la censura están extendidas y la Inquisición obtiene
mayores poderes. El catolicismo se convierte así en el espíritu de la sociedad
y la política española, y la iglesia obtendrá enormes privilegios económicos.
Personalidades literarias como Santa Teresa de Jesús, fray Luis de León o San
Juan de la Cruz sufrirán problemas con la inquisición por su forma particular y
profunda de comprender la religión.
Pensamiento y ciencia: Como consecuencia de esta intolerancia
religiosa, hay una fuerte persecución hacia todas las ideas novedosas que
provienen desde Europa de campos como la ciencia y la filosofía. Si durante la
época de Carlos V España estaba abierta a las ideas de Europa, como el
humanismo, Felipe II decretó a partir de 1559 el aislamiento cultural respecto
a Europa: desde ese momento, los estudiantes españoles no tenían permitido
estudiar en universidades europeas, y los libros extranjeros quedaron
fuertemente restringidos. Esto tuvo consecuencias nefastas en nuestra historia:
la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación se convirtieron en aspectos que la
sociedad española dejó de considerar importantes, y los países europeos
empezaron a vernos como ignorantes, fanáticos y conservadores.